the German TV channel MDR posted a story on the relationship between the USSR and East Germany, where Soviet troops occupying the named.

the article notes that by the mid 80-ies of the last century the German-Soviet friendship Moscow and East Berlin deliberately supported only on formal and impersonal level. According to media reports, private contacts between placed in the GDR, the Soviet military and local residents will not disappear, it could reach even weddings. Nevertheless, it is alleged that the Russians in East Germany until their retirement was in the eyes of many, primarily the invaders. In the story it said that the inhabitants of the annoying maneuvers of Soviet troops, “and officers’ wives that morning and bought everything in the stores.” When the Soviet military left the country, the friendship was forgotten, concluded the authors of the material.

However, in a plot of TV channel emphasized that currently, the East Germans because of their historical memory in favor of better relations with Russia. As said Professor of modern history at the University of Halle-Wittenberg, when there is war or elections, East Germans react basically differently than in the West.

In September 1990, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev signed an agreement under which carried out the withdrawal of all Soviet troops remaining in Germany, from late 1990 to 1994. As a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union, by decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin on 4 March 1992, the Western group of troops was under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, which has committed itself for further troop withdrawal, completed on 31 August 1994.