“After the end of the pandemic will happen in the economy several important changes, – says Alexander Stocking. Companies will find it difficult to obtain long-term loans at low interest rates, while there is a need to redesign a business processes to the new reality. There is a need to reduce production costs, including due to its unification. At the same time, and consumers will begin more rational approach to its spending, refusing excesses. A natural outcome of these processes – at least for the next couple of years will be the return of sovereignty to the manufacturer – it is he who will decide what and how to produce, in this case the buyer will be difficult to impose our conditions.”

Another way to reduce manufacturers ‘ costs – the introduction of robotics. The experts of the Ministry of industry and trade has estimated that the use of industrial robots allows to increase the effectiveness of the performance of the implemented operations in the production of not less than 40%. However, this effect is achieved only under certain conditions. First, you need a mass release of products that use the same technological operations. And, secondly, automation of production lines should be taken into account even at the design stage of future product adds the Executive Director of National Association of participants of the market of robotics Alice Koniuchowsky. Therefore, the transition to the new technological standards of the industry will be much easier to go his own way, without focusing on the need to please the tastes of customers.

“right Now in our world will begin the era of rational subjects – describes the near future Alexander chulok. Previously, the competition was based around customer centricity – how best to please the consumer. Now it’s time to search for the most reasonable and effective solutions.”

smart solutions for the use of robots will become the first transportation and logistics, after they reach the Assembly production, in machinery, instrumentation, electronics manufacturing, food products, analyzes, head of application solutions for production it-CROC Ivan Popkov.

However, the laws of the market has not been canceled, producers in the world will remain set, and we similarly will be able to choose among their products are most attractive to each of us the product. But “Bathrobe with pearl buttons” semen Gorbunkova find to be more difficult.

However, this will become a stepping stone for the next stage where the client will again be the main, and it will set the standards for the entire market. By this time, “the robotic revolution” has already been completed, and the industry will again be ready to put those delights which people will have time to get boredmails.

the Canons of consumption, we now will dictate robots.