MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. In press service of the First channel commented, “the use of” frames unrest in the United States is the final credits of the film “Brother 2”.

the TV station said that not showing the final credits of the film, as well as other channels.

“In the case of “Brother 2″ and its 20-year anniversary we thought it important to mention two main creators of this film — Sergey Bodrov and Alexei Balabanov. Titles with their names showing of the film ended”, — quotes “Rise” press service of the First channel.

At nine o’clock in the evening began the program “Time”, the first story which came the song “goodbye, America” the group “Nautilus Pompilius”.

“As for the arising of allusions, the real creativity and 20 years later remains relevant”, — noted in the press service.

Earlier in the network appeared the information that the First channel showed a picture of and put on the final credits of the video of the protests in America.

In recent days in the United States, a wave of unrest related to the death after arrest in Minneapolis African American George Floyd. After the riots, fired four police officers, one of whom was accused of murder.