the specialists of the Society for the protection of the rights of consumers (OCU) in Spain organized a check in various supermarkets in the country to find out whether there are products on the surfaces of virus particles.

Just checked the 66 items, which in recent years has been particularly in demand. Among them: meat, fish, yogurt, flour, beer, chocolate, salads and other prepared foods, and toilet paper.

As explained in the OCU, the independent laboratory has worked on the method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In the result of a specific coronavirus of genetic material (RNA) on the surface of products have been identified.

In OCU noted that the experts ‘ findings do not mean that the virus can not “gain a foothold” on the surface of the goods, and therefore it is necessary not to lose vigilance and to wash food (the same vegetables and fruit) before placing them in the refrigerator.

– For maximum protection you can clean glass and plastic packaging from the supermarket with soap and water. It is advisable not to use bleach for items with porous coating, otherwise there is a risk of harm to health, experts noted.