the death toll from the coronavirus in the United States exceeded the losses of the American army in the Vietnam war. To such conclusion experts of the Johns Hopkins University, who lead the statistics of victims from COVID-19. Since the beginning of the pandemic in the United States died 60 thousand people. It’s almost two thousand more than in Vietnam in the 60–70 years.

In the US a new record with the sign “minus” – from the coronavirus died 60 thousand 999 people. On this wave the American media began vying with one another to compare the number of deaths from the pandemic COVID-19 casualties of the US army in all the major conflicts of the twentieth century.

So, to CNN, referring to the Johns Hopkins University, reports: the pandemic has already killed more people than the Vietnam conflict in the years 1964-1975. Over 9 years Vietnam has claimed the lives of 58 of 220 military and civilian personnel. For comparison, the coronavirus to kill 60 thousand people took only three months – the first victim COVID-19 in the United States was registered on 6 February 2020.

According to “National Geographic”, COVID-19 destroyed more than the US lost in the First world. Then died a little more than 53 thousands of Americans.

the Conflict in Korea 1950-1953 claimed the lives of 36.5 thousand US citizens.

Why the epidemic of coronavirus was deadlier for the US military conflicts?

One of the reasons is the state of medical care, – said the “MK” military expert, candidate of chemical Sciences Oleg Teltonika. – In the US it very much depends on the level of income of the person. Was recently named the amount of treatment for coronavirus. It was $80 thousand, in terms of our money – more than half a million rubles. Tell me, how many can afford it? Still need to take into account the strong debt load of the American population. It turns out that many just can’t get timely medical care.

the Second reason, according to experts – is not very effective quarantine measures. The US President Donald trump, for example, asserted: pandemic in the United States will not, medicine to cope and prevent outbreaks. However, COVID-19 began to spread in US cities.

–Add to this more and densely populated of American cities, and we get an avalanche spread of the coronavirus. And unfortunately, people will continue to die, says Teltonika. – With future big losses seem to have resigned power. It is known that zacasno over 100 thousand body bags. Draw your own conclusions.

According to the newspaper “New York Times” on the morning of 29 April, about one of the funeral homes in Brooklyn new York in the trucks were found dozens of decomposing bodies. Presumably, all of the victims COVID-19 and they still have no place to bury.