The doctor warned about the spread of the coronavirus through the gas and was ridiculed on TV

American television host Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) to broadcast his show The Late Night Show made fun of the distribution of coronavirus, shared by Australian doctor Norman Swan (Norman Swan). According to the doctor, the infection may spread through the gases produced by man.

In the podcast, which leads Swan with colleagues, States that the emission of gases is also a process by which the air emitted aerosols — the same thing happens with sneezing and coughing. This, warn the authors, makes the gases a danger to others. In this regard, the doctor believes that the people are obliged to restrain when they are with others.

“This is the advice that you should always listen,” said Colbert, and further drew attention to the Swan’s quote that “people are, fortunately, wearing a “mask”: pants, underwear, and so forth.” The presenter pondered the question: “If the pants is the mask for the ass, the mask is pants face?” In addition, Colbert encouraged all in the name of security to release the gases in your elbow.

16 April, the Russian TV presenter, doctor of medical Sciences Elena Malysheva called the coronavirus one of the most beautiful viruses. So she answered a question from followers about the dangers of new infection. She explained that the average age of death from coronavirus — 79-a-half years, and the children they hardly hurt.