Staff dietitian to La Vanguardia, the Aitor Sanchez of Spain, answering the most common questions from readers, commented on the view that contained in the milk protein casein promotes cancer.

– first of all, dairy is far more than casein, and the effects, both beneficial and harmful, which may cause such foods, do not belong exclusively to the single protein (casein – approx. ed.). Secondly, there are a number of studies relating to the development of cancer, which suggests that it is necessary to minimize the consumption of all products, leading to the processes of proliferation of cancer cells. It can be concluded that dairy products are usually associated with a small increased risk of developing certain types of cancer, especially prostate cancer, – said Aitor Sanchez.

However, he explained that the role of dairy products “in this disease”, according to scientific knowledge, rather contradictory. The majority of studies show that such foods do not can in any way affect the treatment and prevention of cancer. Therefore it is better to minimize its presence in the diet.