Alas, the picture is not fake. It was made in the “parent school”, as herein referred kindergartens, in Tourcoing in Northern France near the Belgian border, on the second day after the country began a phased withdrawal of nearly two-month quarantine.

the Author is a journalist, local offices of news channel BFMTV Lionel Top, but the “square-cluster” initiative – the work of teachers who received a questionable popularity all over the country children’s Agency. Thus, as it turns out, they accepted the Directive of the Ministry of education to provide “social distance” during recess between children aged four to five years. After told Lionel Top, “children don’t perceive this as some sort of restriction or punishment; they play, dance, jump, laugh, but… everyone in the square”. In short, according to the TV reporter, the situation, of course, unusual, symbolic, but it is, say, under the current emergency circumstances.

otherwise I think his other compatriots, published in Facebook, Twitter and other social networks highly emotional comments. “Never seen anything more sad, – I wrote To Miriam. Awful to put such children.” It is echoed by the expert in the field of child education Laurence de cock: “can’t get over it. I just breaks my heart. This institution can not be called kindergarten”.

Another user at all convinced that “only lunatics could impose such children and that all this will negatively affect their perception of the school as Republican Institute”.

More cautiously showed himself Antoine dio, predicting that “a photograph of the kids in the squares will be in the future to illustrate in the history books of this very strange (due to pandemic) situation.”

In the ensuing discussion was also attended by known child psychiatrist Cesar Pierre Castanet. In his opinion, the kids in any case can not deprive a party game because their personality is formed during the “group communication”.

I Must say, what a storm in social networks quickly reacted to the French Ministry of education. His representative said that the Agency was directed to “parent” and other schools guidelines for working of these institutions after the lifting of the quarantine. There is indicated a number of measures that must be observed to avoid contamination of both children and caregivers. However, any instructions to place children in “chalk squares” wasn’t there.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.