CPS announced the sphere of professional activities, which are the number of occupational diseases in 2019 were the most dangerous to health.

In the “top 3” were extractive industries, the workers of which make up 46.9% from number of all Russians with occupational diseases, manufacturing (by 29.9% of carriers of diseases) and professions associated with transportation and storage (10.5 per cent of cases professionally).

employees of enterprises engaged in the construction industry, there are 3.6% of cases and 3.5 percent of workers employed in agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming. The rest the proportion of people with disease (5.2 percent) are representatives of the remaining economic sectors.

Earlier in the Institute of occupational medicine named after academician N. F. Izmerova released a study about the negative health effects of office work. Among the most dangerous syndrome of neuro-emotional tension, anxiety and neuroticism. To adverse production factors productivity, according to experts, are the high intensity of work, occupational stress, lack of exercise (violation of the functions of the body with low mobility), long hours of work, poor conditions of working environment in office premises.