The court in USA refused to publish the record American interpreter at the meeting, Donald trump, and Vladimir Putin.

Judge Trevor McFadden decided that the records do not have the status of Federal documents, because the plaintiffs in the face of two non-governmental organizations cannot require the state Department to publish them.

We are talking about the meeting of the presidents on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg in 2017. The Washington Post claimed that trump personally selected the outline of the meeting the translator of the state Department Yuri Shkarova. Non-governmental organizations demanded to make public the records on the background of rumors about "Russian relations," trump.

The meeting was also attended by the Minister of foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the then U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and two interpreters.

"Notes, and not Federal documents"

The court examined in detail the definition of the law, what records are considered Federal documents. The state Department assured that the records translators do not contain unique information or comments — rather, "notes, which helps short-term memory".

The court agreed with this and added that, even if the notes of the translator contained unique information, they do not disseminate for official use, and that they do not fall under the definition of government documents in the Federal law.

The plaintiffs claimed that on the basis of the records, we can conclude that the state Department for some reason can hide, but the court did not consider these arguments convincing.

In his decision the judge quoted the gospel, and popular musical "Hamilton".

According to him, about the meeting of Putin and trump judge is not easier than about the famous private talks of the founding fathers of the USA Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, which had taken historic decisions, including about the location of the future capital of the United States. Federal US documents are stored virtually forever, the judge said, quoting the gospel of Matthew "not one iota or a trait of the law will not pass away", that is, will not change until you change "heaven and earth".