The amendment to the mandatory share of purchases from Russian suppliers on Tuesday passed the first reading in the State Duma. The list quaterwave products, as the size of the quota will be determined by the government depending on the needs of customers and capabilities of the manufacturers explained to deputies the Vice-Prime Minister Yuri Borisov. According to him, now the Russian suppliers account for only one third of all contracts is about 10 trillion rubles the state Duma on Tuesday adopted in the first reading the bills with the correction of procurement laws of the state of (FL-44) and state-owned companies (FZ-223). These changes in the state order introduced a mandatory share of purchases from domestic producers. Recall that the first initiative of such quotas was proposed by the Ministry of industry and trade last summer. Then they are faced with criticism of ex-Vice Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak and the Ministry of Finance who talked about the complexity of the contract system in the case of the adoption of such amendments. Later the idea of protectionism has returned to the agenda on the background of the “coronavirus downturn” in the economy.According to the amendments, the list of quoted goods and the size of the quota will be determined by the government. Previously, “Kommersant” was informed that such a tool would allow the White house dynamically affect competition with foreign suppliers, depending on the state of the economy (see “Kommersant” on 5 June). It is expected that decisions will be made on the basis of monitoring of the needs of contractors and vendors — data sources will become the single information system in the sphere of purchases of the Ministry of Finance and the state information system Ministry of industry & trade.”Quotas will be “included” right where we see the opportunities in the industry, and in contrast, the dominance of import, for unknown reasons,”— said speaker of the state Duma Deputy Prime Minister (and chief ideologue of the quota system) Yuri Borisov.According to him, now the Russian suppliers account for only one third of the state order (at the end of 2019, the total volume of procurement amounted to 8.2 trillion to $ 21.3 trillion-FZ and 44-FZ and 223 respectively). MPs with Deputy Prime Minister did not argue. “Nine national projects 3.2 trillion RUB should be used by the Russian industry,— said Deputy Vladimir Gutenev.— Now, the procurement system is focused on foreign suppliers”.However, as reported earlier, sources of Kommersant in the White house, the quotas will be directed primarily to support of electronic products. The Deputy head of the Ministry of economy Oksana Tarasenko explained that the mandatory share of procurement is proposed to introduce in the field of high-tech products, including the we are talking about electronics, software and mechanical engineering.”Our company today produces many designs of modern and high-quality products, which price and consumer properties can successfully compete with imported samples,” he said on Tuesday.Note that the support of high-tech products must be in the recovery plan of the economy in General to support import substitution provided 1 trillion rubles. for the years 2020-2021 (see “Kommersant” on 3 June). However, as explained today, Yuri Borisov, on import substitution and development of domestic industrial and technological base from 2015 to 2019 has already spent more than 2 trillion rubles. Diana Galieva