Artistic Director of the Gorky art theatre Eduard Boyakov called “put in place” actor Mikhail Efremov staged a fatal accident in Central Moscow. He told about it in interview of radio station “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

According to him, Efremov life “was to that” feeling of impunity. “And we all this impunity has developed. We has formed. The attitude of these so called “stars” in the media field — it is our responsibility, not only stars my fault,” Boyakov said.

According to the artistic Director of the theater, it was the condescending attitude of Russians to the antics of Ephraim and other famous people “multiply this situation.” “We develop the mold, (…) in which people with spiritual authority, intellectual data, and just possessing some qualities — here joke here wink, here’s poems to read to stab anyone,” he said.

Boyakov considered wrong to put these people on a pedestal and treat them as “main individuals who create our intellectual agenda.” He noted that this tendency must be resisted.

on the Evening of 8 June Efremov, who was in a state of alcoholic intoxication, caused an accident in the center of Moscow. His SUV drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into a van, whose driver died in hospital due to blood loss. Efremov was not injured, he was sent under house arrest.