the Californians said that he had given the police all the information in the case of al-Shamrani, but do not intend to give the US government universal access to their devices. Apple stressed that “false allegations are used as an excuse to weaken encryption and other security measures that protect millions of consumers and national security.”

This categorical answer was a barrage of accusations U.S. attorney General William Barr. He said that authorities hacked the smartphone of their own, which took months of work and a lot of money, calling Apple’s actions “dangerous and unacceptable”. This time the administration of Donald trump used the technique, which against itself for the fourth year utilizes the opposition Democratic party: to discredit the enemy, went in the course of accusations of cooperation with Russia, and also China.

trump repeatedly stigmatized the Democrats for what they tried to stick him with a crime for contacts with Russia. But now his attorney General said that while Apple is refusing to help investigators in catching criminals, it cooperates with Russian and Chinese authorities concerning the issues of moving data centers. Speech, probably, goes about the performance of the “Apple” company of requirements of the Russian legislation according to which foreign firms that collect personal data of Russian citizens are obliged to store these data on servers in Russia. According to Barr, since the California company cooperates with Russia and China, it has no reason to refuse American intelligence agencies.

There is a striking amnesia: it is not to remember that American IT giants take such a categorical stance on the issue of protection of user data precisely because the intelligence community for years the United States have abused their access to this information. The reputation of the IT giants that resignedly “passed” the users of security services, has been badly tarnished. This has forced Apple and other companies now to be more careful with the requirements of the authorities, who, under the same pretexts, desperately trying to regain his powers. American agents are, of course, annoying that Apple performed the RF legislation hampers access to personal data of the Russians.

“encryption of the Cold war”, as it was called confrontation between the intelligence agencies and Silicon valley, is already a few years. A few years ago, high-profile episode was the dispute over smartphone shooter for two with his wife killed 14 people in California San Bernardino. The investigators demanded to give them the electronic lock pick to hack a blocked device, which could be important clues for the investigation . And in “the Apple company” refused, arg��Mentira that it would set a dangerous precedent, and the master key can be used on any device that gives the security services too wide access to personal data of users. Moreover, it created a loophole could be used by criminals.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.