After the lifting of quarantine measures in Russia can rise in price of imported goods and services beauty salons. About the Agency Prime said the Chairman of the Association of experts of the retail market Andrey Karpov.

According to him, the growth of prices of some goods and services may occur due to spontaneous increase in demand for a short period after the lifting of the quarantine. However, it is unlikely people will have more money, said Karpov. “If the income of the consumer has suffered, he will still respond to rising prices by saving in something”, he added.

the Expert thinks that the price tag will be affected, including market conditions. He cited the example of automakers, which did not raise the price of foreign cars in the beginning of the year, when the ruble began to fall.

At the same time due to low demand on the market now can appreciate premium cars. The goods in the economy segment will rise more slowly due to the high competition, said Karpov.

In his opinion, every entrepreneur will decide to raise prices or not. For example, the same barbers can raise the price to compensate for the increased cost of rent, said the expert.

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