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1. Drinking alcohol kills the virus in the body

No, it helps, unfortunately, not to drink alcohol, turn to the World health organization (WHO) fixed.

In the worst case, large amounts of alcohol can be detrimental.

This myth has cost over 300 people their lives in Iran. In the country where the ethanol is prohibited nytelsesmiddel, have over a thousand people in the pure fear of koronaviruset drinking poisonous methanol.

A DRINK BY the NAME of KORONAVIRUS: A bartender in Moscow posing together with the bar’s new drink called Koronavirus. According to the creator represents the green sprayer the virus and the red vaccine, which everyone is waiting on. Spirits over 60 per cent of the works on your hands, but don’t take internally to kill the virus.

Photo: EVGENIA NOVOZHENINA / Reuters 2. Alcohol or chlorine on the skin and kills the virus in the body

No, to spray chlorine or alcohol on the body kills viruses already have come into your body.

Alcohol and chlorine can be used to disinfect other surfaces, but can, however, destroy your clothes, and do great damage to the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth.

Håndsprit on your hands is an alternative to soap and water. Håndsprit of over 60 per cent loosens up the membrane that protects the virus and prevents that you carry the virus from your hand and enter the body through the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes or nose.

DISINFECT: Kloring and alcohol can be used to remove the virus from surfaces and things, but can do great damage to mucous membranes if you get it in the mouth or eyes. Here is a residential area in Wuhan in China sprayed in the fight against koronaviruset.

Photo: STR / AFP 3. Sauna, sun and hot baths kill the virus

Some virus, which forkjølelsesvirus and flu, is spreading more easily in the cool winter months, but that is not to say that they die out when summer comes.

According to the american smittevernmyndigheten, CDC, survive koronavirus generally only a short time at a high temperature and high humidity than in cold, drier environments.

Although scientists do not yet know for certain how the temperature record of the SARS-CoV-2, says the World health organization (WHO) that you can be infected by koronaviruset no matter how hot it is.

the Virus dies, albeit at very high temperature, but the temperature of the body will be of 36.5 to 37 degrees, even if you take a hot bath or a sauna, according to WHO.

Virus and vaksineforsker Gunnveig Grødeland at the department of clinical medicine at the University of Oslo (UiO), says to that there is no reason to believe that the virus can not withstand the sun.

HOT: While viruses and bacteria die at high enough temperature, it helps not, unfortunately, to sweat out the korona in the sauna, says the WHO. This image is from the world championship in sauna in Finland in 2000. Leo Pusa in the middle ran away with the victory after having held out for 12 minutes in the sauna who kept staggering 100-110 degrees.

Photo: Kimmo Mäntylä / SCANPIX 4. Children are not allowed to covid-19

There is no doubt that the children also get koronainfeksjon, but it looks like the symptoms are largely benign. Studies from China show that the children there were just as often infected as adults, but that there were very few who developed severe disease.

Among some 44,000 confirmed cases with covid-19 in China, was only 2.4 per cent of children. Among these had very few serious disease. Also, children in Norway have been detected in SARS-CoV-2.

so far, There is not either demonstrated that children with chronic disease experience severe course of covid-19, according to the Norwegian institute of public health. It is still uncertain to what extent the children contracted further.

EVERYTHING IS GOOD: British Jake Weller has colored a rainbow to encourage people to have hopes up and be at home. Children are also being infected by the koronaviruset, but it seems that they rarely become seriously ill.

Photo: EDDIE KEOGH 5. When you have had covid-19, one becomes immune against korona

According to the Norwegian institute of public health, there is much that is uncertain about immunity.

FHI is quite confident that the infection with koronaviruset provides a certain kind of immunity, but that it is too early to know for example how long it lasts, and whether it varies a lot between individuals.

Based on studies of other koronavirus believe the ministry of Health that it is reasonable to assume that protective antistoffnivåer against SARS-CoV-2 remains 1-2 years after infection, but this is so far not proven.

KORONA: A mikroskopbilde of koronaviruset SARS-CoV-2, which provides disease Covid-19. Most likely get people who have been infected a certain immunity in retrospect, but how long and whether it is completely or partially, know the scientists so far are not secure.

Photo: AP 6. Covid-19 is like a flu

Covid-19 provides a variety of symptoms, which may remind us of influenza, but seems to be more deadly and more contagious than a sesonginfluensa. This is affected, however, by the time and place, according to WHO.

the Researchers are not yet sure how high the mortality of covid-19 is, but it is likely that it is more dangerous than a common flu.

In addition, due to the covid-19 a brand new koronavirus. It makes that the world’s population are more vulnerable because they have not had any antibodies in the blood, so one has for various influensavarianter.

INFLUENSASTIKK: Even though the flu also can be dangerous for certain groups, the vaccines and the virus circulated so that a large proportion of the world’s population have antibodies in their blood. Had we not against the SARS-CoV-2.

Photo: ERIC GAILLARD 7. You can get koronaviruset from the dog or the cat

According to the national veterinary institute does not constitute livestock and pets, some risks of infection in Norway.

the Pandemic spreads mainly from person to person, and is first and foremost a public health problem.

In hong Kong got two dogs proven korona, and the same with a cat in Belgium. It is uncertain whether the animals were infected by the owner, who was sick with covid-19, or if they have gotten the infection from somewhere else in the environment.

the Animals had no pronounced symptoms that could be traced directly to the koronaviruset.

the Virus is also detected at one or more tigers and lions in a zoo in the united STATES.

HUNDEMASKE: This dog in Colombia has been wearing a mask. According to veterinærmyndighetene, it is unlikely that koronaviruset transmitted from pets to people, but it won’t to be extra careful – both with respect to the pet and the owner.

Photo: LUISA GONZALEZ 8. Vaccines against pneumonia can help protect you against korona

No, unfortunately. It finnesi the time of writing no vaccine that protects against SARS-CoV-2.

the Virus is new and different, and scientists the world over are in the process of testing out different products as if a good time can be to a new vaccine.

Still recommend the health authorities and the WHO that people who are in at-risk groups take pneumokokkvaksine that helps against pneumonia.

the Reason is that patients who have been admitted with koronasmitte, are at risk for developing other dangerous inflammations in connection with the covid-19.

LUNGEVIRUS: A belgian doctor pointing at a picture of lungs to a patient who is attacked by koronaviruset. If you contract with SARS-CoV-2 may subsequently occur other viruses or bakteriebetennelser in the lungs.

Photo: YVES HERMAN / Reuters 9. Garlic and vitamin C helps against koronaviruset

Faktasjekkerne in Fact, has taken this myth, after the records from multiple sites were spread virally.

Garlic and vitamin C is healthy, and there are studies that suggest that garlic can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, but there is no evidence that they protect you against koronaviruset, concludes the WHO.

10. Parcels from China can infect you with koronainfeksjon

According to WHO, it is very unlikely that you can become infected if you receive a package from areas with widespread koronasmitte.

Package has most likely been in transit for many days, and if there was any virus on the surface, this is impaired due to various conditions during the crossing, such as temperature, weather, and more.

the Virus can survive not long outside the body, although studies have suggested that it can exist on surfaces anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on what kind of materials it is made of.

if you Are still unsure, wash with soap and water.

Read more: Most frequently asked questions about koronaviruset to NRK

SAFE: Even if the koronaviruset can survive on surfaces for hours or a few days, it is very much for you to become infected if you order the goods from a country which has been hard hit by the koronaviruset, according to WHO.

Photo: ALY SONG More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoØkonomiSpør NRK Status NorgeSist updated: 10.04.20206244Smittet232Innlagt109Dødestatus for Norway