Coronasmittede patients in Sweden have shown severe side effects after having scored malariamidlet klorokin.

Several Swedish hospitals stop now to use malariamidlet klorokin for the treatment of coronasmittede patients.

It happens after some patients began to experience serious side effects.

It writes the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, and refers to stories from Expressen Göteborg-Posten.

– We can not exclude the possibility that the treatment does more harm than good, says professor and chief physician Magnus Gisslén in the infectious disease department at Sahlgrenska university hospital in Gothenburg to Gothenburg-Post.

Previously a small French study demonstrated positive results when the product was used on patients infected with the coronavirus.

It has since led to several countries around the world have shown interest to take the remedy in use against corona.

One of the countries has been Sweden, where the Swedish doctors are also beginning to test the midlet on the patients, although klorokin is not approved for the treatment of corona virus.

We did as all the others and gave klorokin to the patients in the beginning.

– There was teststudier, showed that it had an effect on the coronavirus, and it was also a means, we are well-known from the treatment of malaria, says Magnus Gisslén.

Since he and the rest of the hospital turned on a plate. Last week was all the treatment with klorokin stopped at the hospital because there was concerns as to whether it could provide acute cardiac problems in coronasmittede patients.

Also on Södersygehuset in Stockholm is one stopped to give klorokin for patients with coronavirus, writes Jyllands-Posten.

in Some places continues Swedish hospitals to use the product.

for example, at the Karolinska university Hospital, which is located close to Stockholm. It continue to be offered to the most iltkrævende patients, but the use of it has decreased significantly informs a head of section at the hospital to Expressen.
