a Collective immunity to the coronavirus from the Swedes produced a “surprisingly slow”, said the chief epidemiologist of the country. The development of immunity in the population was one of the objectives of the Swedish strategy involving the abandonment of rigid quarantine. But if in the Italian Bergamo antibodies found in every second inhabitant in Stockholm — just 14%

the Development of collective immunity to the coronavirus in Sweden is slower than anticipated, acknowledged in conversation with Swedish Radio chief epidemiologist of the country Anders Tegnell.

These figures were announced by CEO Henrik Forsberg in conversation with Agency TT, he was quoted by Radio Sweden. In other major cities in Sweden, the result is even lower in Gothenburg 11.5%, and in malmö only 5%. The national average of the antibodies detected in 10.8% of the tested. Forsberg noted that this is not a scientific study, but real test results, which held his company.

the Pace of development of herd immunity — when most of the population had received immunity and no longer carries the infection — was “surprisingly slow,” said epidemiologist Tegnell. Thus he has noticed that in such analyses there is always a time delay. The 14% collective immunity is fixed at the moment when he took the tests, and therefore this figure is actual for the period two-three weeks ago, now the proportion of people with immunity above, he explained. And added that the figure was closer to his forecast than it was during previous tests tests. “The difference with what we thought, not so huge, but still present, and I can’t explain it”, he concluded.

At the same time its own study Department for the tests taken at the same time, showed that Stockholm had only 7.3% of people.

This result revealed on the basis of tests 9965 inhabitants of the city, taken in the period from 23 April to 3 June. Local health Department stated that the sample is more than a representative to serve as a reliable indicator of how many people have been exposed to coronavirus.

Sweden was one of the few countries that did not impose severe restrictive measures to combat the spread of coronavirus. The government did not close the cafes, restaurants and shops to stop production and cancel classes in schools. As a result, the rate of new infections in the country was significantly higher than that of its neighbors, and the mortality rate is one of the most high. According to the Johns Hopkins University, in Sweden 53 323 cases and 4939 of the victim (for comparison, in Denmark 12 450 598 cases and the victims in Norway 8 660 cases and 242 of the victim, and in Finland 7117 infected, 326 died).

In early June, Tegnell first prize��al that the rejection of quarantine was a mistake, which led to many deaths. According to recent polls, confidence in the Swedish authorities ‘ ability to cope with the coronavirus shaken: 45% support the chosen strategy, whereas just two months ago, that number was 63%.