this year the region allocated 3694 quotas for IVF and transfer of cryopreserved embryos, on 294 more than in the past. Before imposed restrictions on planned medical techniques, managed to do 1083 procedure. Now gradually recovering.

– the Branch of obstetrics did not stop using all this time was in full and pregnant women, and newborns, including full spectrum survey of moms-to-be – said silber. Now we are gaining experience with the coronavirus. In the area of 26 thousand pregnant women, in the 81st diagnosed with this infection. In almost all cases, women generally asymptomatic or easily. Already some kids were born to mothers with COVID-19, all full term and healthy. Mothers feel good.

Experts say that the pandemic has pushed the development of telemedicine in IVF, doctors began to actively provide advice remotely, and not only pregnant, but also infertile couples who do not reach to women’s clinics. Pilot site chose clinical diagnostic centre “health of the mother and child”. Coupled with the automated informational “Obstetrical monitoring” telemedicine is observed in the best doctors any woman, regardless of place of residence.

– Limitations on us with little impact. Using remote technology we advise on the results of the screening test, invasive diagnostics, conduct the consultations, the issues of hospitalization, confirming the defects. It happens that the patient do ultrasound somewhere in the North, the doctor gets the images and makes a diagnosis at a distance, – says the chief doctor of clinical diagnostic center Elena Nikolaeva.

Telemedicine use and private IVF clinic. So, one of the largest held for more than 150 online consultations.

Technologies allow not to arrive at the initial reception not only locals but also people from other regions who come to us: the residents, the residents, the Ugrian people. You can advise is primary over secure channels to send the results of the research and then conduct a re-consultation – the Director of the medical center Dilyara Medvedskaya.

According to Natalia silber, now in the regional Ministry of health prepared the order about the introduction of telemedicine technologies in all the services of the maternity and infancy: counseling “at-home” mom with kids will be the best pediatricians and neonatologists.

According to the regional Department the registry office for five months in the middle Urals was born 17395 kids that 1897 less than in the same period last year. The greatest increase in the birth rate has provided Ekaterinburg, the Top Pyshma, Berezovsky and the village is Free. The average age of women becoming mothers for the first time 28 years, the share of ladies over 36-40 years of age is about 13cents delivery. The Urals were treated to procreate more responsibly: most children today are born out of wedlock, single moms, only about 12 percent, about the same number of kids register with a paternity suit. Five years ago these figures were 15 and 14 percent, respectively.