the Amount of 24.9 thousand rubles in June had “average” family. So much of available funds remained in the wallets of Russians after the purchase of everyday products, taking into account food, housing and utility payments, transport and communications. The money the family would usually spend on repayment of loans, purchase of durable goods, as well as education, medicine, entertainment, recreation, or set aside as savings.

the Growth of the “free money” comes in all types of cities, according to the study. For example, in the cities the amount of such funds to the families amounted to 31.5 thousand rubles (growth index of 36.9%), and small – this figure had reached 15.7 thousand rubles (growth by 58.6%).

however, the purchasing power of the “free money” in terms of the number of bottles of milk, which the household could afford to buy a monthly, was lower than in the previous year: 359 bottles this year compared to 476 last year.

overall, the average annual value of the index continues to decline. If at the end of last year it amounted to 27.5 thousand rubles, for the first half of 2020, this figure reached 21.2 thousand rubles.

“While it is impossible to say that there was a structural decline in money available to households in the coming months, it is possible to recover to a comparable level with the previous year. However, given the dynamics of prices and aggregate spending, a full recovery still seems unlikely”, – the authors of the index.

the Index is calculated as the difference between household income and the cost of necessary goods and services. The average household income was determined on the basis of its own calculations of the holding “ROMIR” and Rosstat data.