On why universities are “managed” with distancem faster schools and that has given students the most difficult, “the Russian newspaper” said the study’s author, savlab methodology of social research, Institute for social analysis and prediction Ranepa Dmitry Rogozin.

Dmitry Mikhailovich, it seems that the universities have to adjust to the distant, almost immediately, in contrast to schools. Why?

Dmitry Rogozin: Remote education has come, asking neither permission nor consent. Therefore, restructuring can not speak. Adaptation, shock therapy and stress – here the main companions of the current changes. Almost everyone who learns and teaches, I agree: in a pandemic, all the measures necessary and sufficient. The differences begin with the perception itself, in this process, the ability to make independent decisions, to choose. And then the school loses much universities. Universities originally built on a free, liberal model of knowledge transfer. Secondary school in Russia for the most part is a disciplinary Institute with rigid rules and formats of communication that are not always amenable to conversion to the online format.

What was the most difficult for students in the transition to udalenku?

Dmitry Rogozin: The hardest part, oddly enough, outside of the educational process. The first is a sharp “drop” mobility and mobility, lack of communication with peers, room insulation. The student is not only and not so much time learning how the period, full of impressions, emotions, personal contacts. When it all suddenly disappears, the person experiences a tremendous stress. So when a student says that he does not like the format of distance education, often he criticizes not the training itself, and the forced isolated life style.

the Second difficulty is uncertainty. From session to session, students live fun. But only when the rules of the session are clear, stable, predictable. What now? How to pass exams in distance format? How they will evaluate teachers? How will this affect the record books? The uncertainty of the nearest future crumples to the present.

As a separate issue I would point out the loss of “student mobility”. It in the recent past compensated for the sometimes uncomfortable home conditions, life in the hostel. No matter how we reacted to his house, most of our housing is not suitable for permanent residence. To add to this loss so necessary in all ages of the race of those who live in the same apartment, and we will wonder that such a small amount of nervous stress, which psychologists now fixed.

have You done a survey among University professors. There are similar problems?

Dmitry Rogozin: of Course. The only difference is in the degree of load. The teacher it is much more: it is necessary not only to adapt himself, but to help students to take responsibility for those who depend on your decisions and actions. Therefore, teachers with great skepticism relate to distance education. But this skepticism is justified.

the Teachers who criticize distance format, in fact, real assistants for its formation and development. Only in criticism and analysis of errors it is possible to obtain new knowledge, to adapt to what is happening.

But overall, the students were closer to teachers?

Dmitry Rogozin: the Study showed that supporters of distance education can only be free men who do things and can take responsibility for the decisions taken. Students are freer and unfettered teachers. They have not yet clamped by the vise of the administrative rules and regulations. They are still willing to make mistakes, to try, to dare. And in this sense distance education for many is a challenge, the impetus for the development of new forms of communication, technology, life, finally.

Cambridge puts all the lectures in the new academic year online. In any of the Russian universities that is a possible “move”?

Dmitry Rogozin: Cambridge, like any other modern University, I am sure, will never go to the total distant. Rather, we are talking about the forecast of the pandemic and the risks that threaten the educational process. It is easier to make a radical move, and then gradually to soften the conditions than to turn a blind eye. Now we have to talk about hybrid forms of education when lectures, workshops, tests can take place online, reducing and making more meaningful meetings.