a New method of disinfecting buildings and equipment far more effective than treatment with liquids or powders.

Specialists of radiation, chemical and biological protection (NBC) has implemented a new method of disinfection of buildings and equipment from COVID-19. Mobile teams can be disinfected with hot steam. Sanitizer turn into a powerful gas-droplet stream and sprayed with a special heat machine. This method allows you within minutes to process internal and external surfaces of the objects, including the most inaccessible cavity, where the fluid or powder means not fall. In addition, this practice saves a lot of time.

the decision to use hot steam for treating objects has been made, told “Izvestia” a source in the defense Ministry.

the First to use this method, started the division NBC southern military district. They used thermal machine TMS-65У, and mobile generators. Use them to disinfect non-residential premises a large area.

Heat engine of TMS-65 and its modification on truck chassis “Ural” in wartime, designed for degassing and decontamination equipment that came from infected areas, as well as for aerosol veils. In peacetime, the technique was often called for elimination of consequences of technogenic accidents. The powerful engine allows you to process per hour 30-40 pieces of large equipment. And if you bring the car to the Windows of the building, it can quickly carry out disinfection of internal areas of the first and second floors.

In connection with extreme danger of new infection, there is a need to thoroughly wash out the cavity of the equipment space under the vehicle, under the wings etc., said the military expert Oleg Teltonika. In this sense, gas is much more efficient than conventional spraying of liquid mixtures:

Viruses are not all the time in the air and settle on the surface, the expert added. And where there is a something pollution, they linger for a longer time. And to wash all the cracks manually, is often impossible.

— the Use of TMS-65У will significantly reduce the time and save a lot of energy and money. Otherwise people need a long walk with sprayers. Each of them must be protected, and after work to disinfect clothes. If it is disposable, yields a huge amount of contaminated debris , etc. Special technique solves all of these problems, — said Oleg Teltonika.

For sanitation of production facilities use a solution dicretionary salt calcium hypochlorite (DTSGK) and other compounds that can destroy the protein, told “Izvestia” associate Professor of the Department of Biophysics at MIPT, Deputy Director of scientific work of IFHE RAS Oleg Batishchev.

Is a chlorine-based disinfectants, — have informed “news” the expert. How are they better than regular bleach, without information on the exact composition difficult to say. Think certainly not worse. But be aware that all of these substances are toxic. To use them in rooms where reside people, I would not recommend.

According to sources of “Izvestiya” in the military, for treatment of areas where people live, NBC units use several types of special solutions, but their name and composition are not disclosed.

currently, in each military district there is a detached NBC brigade, and each part of the combined arms army — the regiment. In recent years, the forces and means of units and chemical protection are actively involved in elimination of consequences of natural disasters. Last year NBC protection troops of the Central military district helped to eliminate the consequences of floods in the Irkutsk and Transbaikalia. And in March of this year, the soldiers and officers of the 27-th separate brigade of the Western military district were deployed to Italy to assist in the fight against the pandemic.

When the infection has penetrated to Russia, on the basis of army and County regiments and brigades NBC began to form mobile teams special, which today are active in enterprises military-industrial complex.

Since the beginning of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the territory of Russia, the Ministry of defense gradually began to connect their resources to help civilian structures. Many regions are building multifunctional military medical centers. In addition, they expanded the list of persons who may apply to the battalion and regimental aid stations to include relatives of officers, retirees, employees of other power departments, and in urgent cases — all those in need.

Also in connection with the pandemic, the defense Department decided to send the cadets of the academies home early, and for those introduced stringent preventive measures. To the recruiting station established control posts, where they will check the status of the health of young people. Teams of conscripts share, and the contacts between them will be expelled. Arriving to the place of service, all the latter-day soldiers will take two-week quarantine.