The passenger Car and light as well as the wall of the building was property damage. The debris was then collected by the driver and front passenger, and then continued in spite of severe damage to the Car, the journey in the direction of Eger.

On Friday, the 27.03.20 against 15.00 a 61-year-old Mercedes driver drove on the road between the Crock and the commercial area Grohmauer skating rink. In a curve to the right, he then came to the left of the roadway, drove through the fence of the local company, and came in the courtyard to a halt. The accident recording, conducted breath alcohol test resulted in a value of 2.41 per thousand. The blood was to be placed on collection, the driver’s license, and proceedings for road traffic hazard opened. The damage to the Car and to the fence is estimated at about 6000,- Euro.

In Themar, at Apple mountain drive on Friday (27.03.20) to 17.30 p.m., an Unknown on the loose and defaced light poles with color. A Mitteiler stated that it should have a young people acted.

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