two of the Spanish region of Andalusia and Catalonia has decided to impose heavy fines for failure to comply with public health measures designed to prevent the spread of coronavirus. During the period of quarantine, such decisions were made by the Central government, and after the transition of living in the country to a “new normality” control over observance of rules anticorrosiveness passed to regional authorities. And now, a month and a half of heads of Autonomous regions, provinces, and the mayors of certain cities impose their own rules, restrictions and fines for non-compliance.

So, in Catalonia, decided to strike at the wallet of those whose actions threaten the security of ordinary citizens. For example, the reopening of cafés, restaurants and other establishments that have been at the government’s request are closed, can cost their owners the sum from 3 thousand to 60 thousand euros. This is considered a serious offence. But the conduct of prohibited activities is a very serious offence can result in a fine in the amount of 600 thousand euros.

the Same gradation is adopted in Andalusia. The most severe penalties threatened for actions that pose a risk of infecting more than 100 people. Here we are talking not only about the organization of prohibited activities, but also the violation of the limit on the number of visitors to a particular institution, as well as the misinformation of the authorities. If the threat of infection by the coronavirus created for 15-100 employees, the penalty will make from 3 thousand to 60 thousand euros, less than 15 – from 100 euros up to 3 million.

the Minimum penalty of 100 euros was provided for the whole of Spain for failure to use masks in public places.

by the Way, fines of up to 600 thousand euros have entered earlier in Galicia, however, for those who arrived in the region and the countries or communities that are considered high risk and did not register on the website of the local government. If a traveler is going to spread the coronavirus in their environment, the size of the fine will depend on the number of affected people.