the region has several shelters tailed and eared homeless. Almost all of them are private, and Pets, even if at the expense of hundreds, on their territory are equivalent to pet. To understand how their work will impact the new regional law, the correspondent “RG” went to the biggest one and the only one that has the status of a legal entity, under the name of “Krasnodog”. It is, perhaps, the most famous such establishment in the capital of Kuban.

…Funny dogs barking can be heard, even when standing near the gate of the orphanage. And once you understand that the animals here are very, very much. Furry Pets are always encouraging the person add positive emotions. But, crossing the threshold of “Krasnodog”, in most cases, faced with unhappy animals. Here they found refuge and were saved. If not for the shelter, these furry long time would no longer be alive.

the Area is divided into several areas – receiving and quarantine office, veterinary clinic with its operating theatres, promenade court, cat’s house, dog kennels and a few more.

– this kitten lost his eyes – you see, the place of the eyeball sewn, – says the Manager of the orphanage, Lyudmila Peshkova. – And the other got hit by a car, suffered an open fracture of the legs. To save the limb failed, had to be amputated. But this kitty is resting after surgery for sterilization, and she had problems with the joints – so paws bandaged.

a Similar picture in the box that contain dogs. The cells are located one above the other. Pets waiting for them in surgery, casts or recovering from surgery. When it comes to a stranger, the inhabitants are barking or meowing (depending on which unit you are), but some just keep quiet. However, all have one thing in common – they have become accustomed to doctors and do not resist when they were picked up.

Signed by the Governor the law States requirements for animal shelters, order of receipt and content of the caudate homeless, providing them with veterinary care and General care. In particular, it says that the shelter “should be divided into several areas, including veterinary, hospital and quarantine ward.” Responsibility for the organization of such institutions, in accordance with this document, “assigned to the heads of municipalities.” The catchers of the animals “prohibited ill-treatment”. However, organizations for catching “must bring stray animals to shelters where they will be examined by the veterinarians”.

Thus, in each city (new regulations) should be (or need to create) your municipal animal shelter or the authorities are obliged to conclude contracts with existing. Here in large numbers.naudia difficulties. Kuban no municipal shelter no. And of the six “privateers” who called the correspondent “RG” to consider the possibility of cooperation with the authorities is ready just one.

– I contains 400 Pets to them each month out of more than 300 thousand rubles. I in practice know that the administration of Krasnodar are not prepared on a monthly basis to pay me such a sum, says the owner of the orphanage “southern” novel Mikhailov. – And to obtain from the Treasury a payment in the amount of 20 thousand rubles, for which you need to collect a pile of documents, and then submit all the inspection, I don’t want to. It makes no sense. My shelter is a private property, and Pets Pets. And no one except me has the right to set the rules here.

– the New law introduces the norms of the work of hospices, which previously was not, – says Director of “Krasnodog” Natalia Dubnicka. But there are many questions. For example, if the size of the enclosures does not meet the requirements and they need to be expanded, at whose expense will be done this upgrade? We’re a private non-profit organization. Money we don’t have.

according to the owners of the shelters, catching stray dogs and cats on Kuban it is a barbaric way. In animals fired from pump action guns with syringes with ditilinom – agent that causes suffocation. As a result, the cat or dog dies in five minutes. Now, when officially “killing of animals forbidden,” and the catchers of stray animals “prohibited ill-treatment”, the question arises: how trapping will occur in practice?

– We decided once that for sterilizing one stray dog, with observance of all norms and rules, need 15-17 thousand rubles, – says Natalia Dubnicka. – But homeless dogs and cats in the same Krasnodar can be a few thousand. Will stand out so much money on their trapping and sterilization? I don’t think this is possible in practice.

In this shelter now houses around 500 cats and dogs. If eared street children will be to catch and bring from all over the city, the organization simply will not be able to fit everyone. Do not have enough territory. To solve this problem can only municipal shelter. But despite a new local law in the government don’t know anything yet about the possible creation of shelters for animals.

Andrew Bouldin, first Deputy Chairman of Committee of legislative Assembly of Kuban on the use of natural resources, environmental safety, health resort complex and tourism:

– the state Duma adopted the Federal law “About responsible treatment of animals and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”. Changed document authority ��of objektov of the Russian Federation in this sphere. To the deputies of the legislative Assembly began the task of bringing regional legislation into conformity with the Federal. For this purpose the legislative Assembly developed and adopted a number of normative legal acts. Including the regional law “On regulation of certain issues in the field of the treatment of animals on the territory of Krasnodar region”, which provides new powers of the higher Executive body of state power of the region, namely, the organization of shelters for animals, establishment of norms of detention, the treatment of stray animals, whose owners cannot be found.

This law is the first step to restore order in this matter. We have yet to work out mechanisms of its implementation. Will keep the issue under control and to monitor the situation. It is also planned to finalize the document and make amendments to more clearly regulate activities of certain organs.

an Unusual feature of the new regional law on the treatment of stray animals is the prohibition to capture in the presence of minors. Thus, the presence of cats or dogs around children can be a guarantee that the animal is not touched.

– In the veterinary clinic more often lead to treat dogs than cats, says veterinarian of the shelter “Krasnodog” Anastasia Gramm. Due to the fact that more cats are hiding, rarely come across people and, consequently, less likely to get injured. Dogs – on the contrary. They are more visible, openly running around the streets and highways fall under the wheels and in a variety of emergencies.

says veterinarian, the most common diseases in dogs now – it’s toxicity, piroplasmosis (tick bites) and distemper. The latter is not transmitted from animals to humans, but for Pets is very dangerous, and Krasnodar now recorded her flash.

Cats often suffer from kidney stone disease and rhinotracheitis virus. It’s like the ODS – only animals.