a Few days ago, from Dmitry Koldun developed symptoms of coronavirus infection. The artist was put in the hospital and the first rapid test showed a positive result. But now the singer is feeling much better.

the Isolation Dmitry decided to spend at the dacha near Minsk together with his wife and son. The family complied with all the recommendations of doctors, but occasionally the adults went to the store for groceries. Belarus has not imposed severe restrictions, however, the risk of infection still persisted.

When Dimitri appeared the first symptoms of the disease, it was decided to send him to the hospital, and the family left at home. The first test for coronavirus was positive, but a more precise analysis by PCR showed the presence in the body of the artist of the virus and antibodies.

Now Dmitry was discharged from the hospital, and tests everyone who was in close contact with the singer — is negative. Dmitry Koldun in conversation with the website WomanHit. noted that feels a little weak, but the mood he has a cheerful. “Playing Xbox, reading books, started to read in the hospital, slowly start to exercise. At the end of the week would have to pass and smears. As for isolation, you must, prior to the end of the week to be at home”, — said Dmitry.