distance learning has done for all of a number of discoveries. They are not always pleasant. But I’m sure to consider them and to make Russian education better feasible problem.

the First trait that’s especially evident on the background of forced Moodle, – online students feel on their territory, and teachers – as a visitor. In society there is a stereotype that really relied, allegedly “interactive” kids will be easy to homeschool. The biggest mistake that can be tolerated here, by default, to think that the disciples that are easy to play online games will know exactly where to connect this morning, on what platform you need to download homework, how to ask the teacher on the other side of the screen issue. Miss the child a lot: someone will, to someone skills of dealing with technology, and some of the children do for the first time saw the computer because of hard necessity, as the family has no money for such acquisition.

Unpleasant “quadratic equation” in which the following variables only make everyone worry: nervous teacher, the student is nervous, worried parent. Instead of supporting each other in difficult period – the endless shifting of responsibility. And if the first trait is still more “technical” and is smoothed over time, the second refers to the mentality. Many parents now only soon realized that the education of a child and their responsibility. Adults suddenly faced with their child at home, but at school. The reaction to this may be different. Stricter parents will always be in the room while class is in session; technically demanding but indifferent – will increase the number of questions – the “homework done?” – just because a child often catches their eye. Some parents Express a collective defensive response, demanding the abolition of distance learning.

I want to believe that through distance education the parents have learned to appreciate the work of the teacher. Understand that the teacher works in conjunction with students and parents just need to remember that he is one, and a lot of them. It is impossible to demand from the child assessments, one conflict at recess can teach him much more than a week of distance learning. All that the teachers of the old school is called education, not understanding the modern words “educational service”.

From Janusz Korczak has a wonderful story “When I’m small”. In it, he wants to return to an ideal childhood, how it is seen as adult, but gets his usual. And remember how unfair is the world, if you look at it from the school. Quarantine gave the opportunity to all parents with children to sit at such a Desk. Let’s see what they can learn.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.