We believe that enrollment in institutions of higher education can not go without results of the Unified state exam. This is not a whim of the Ministry, and a large set of opportunities offered to the graduates of the existing procedure for admission in universities, – said Sergey Kravtsov. – While the examination is scheduled to begin on 8 June. But I do not exclude that after the holidays, after may 12 this decision will be adjusted depending on the situation for the coronavirus. At the forefront we need to put the health of our students. I do not exclude the transfer of the Unified state exam at a later date. About the exact dates too early to say. Let’s not rush things. Each decision concerns a large number of people and should be balanced.

we will Remind, earlier in mass media appeared information about the fact that the timing of the main wave of the exam can be shifted again: there are options of the transfer exam in mid-July or early August.

the Ministry of education stressed that the discussion of the timing of the exam is conducted with the involvement of experts. All decisions will depend on the epidemiological situation in the country as a whole and each region separately.

On the abolition of the Unified state examination of the question definitely is not: the exam was going to write almost 800 thousand children. Most of them graduates of the eleventh classes, who are preparing for admission to universities.

If the timing of the exam will move – and admission campaign in the universities can “move up” after them.

But the ninth graders seem unable to exhale. OGE for them to cancel. This was also announced by the Minister of education Sergey Kravtsov.

– In relation to the ninth grade decided until that final examination will be held in two subjects – Russian language and mathematics, – he said. Maybe, we will make a decision that will exempt students from the final assessment for the ninth grade. And certification will take place according to current estimates.

in addition, the Ministry of education sent to the regions guidance on the timing of completion of the academic year 2019/20. They are constructed to keep students full summer vacation. For 1-8 grades is recommended to complete the training up to 15/16 of may (for the five-day week and six days). For 10 classes to complete program up to may 29/30. 9-m and 11-m classes – until June 5.

But the final decision on the timing of completion of studies, each region takes himself. For example, they will set the annual assessment on may 15. Then, classes will continue remotely participate in them at will. Lessons will take the form of online consultations, without homework and assessments. Alumni continue remotely to prepare for OGE and EGE from may 18 to may 29.

the Academic year in schools will start on 1 September, the press service of the Ministry of education. The timing of the admissions process will depend on the exam, and all obusinesses will go online. Applicants can submit an application for admission with documents in electronic form. While the Ministry of education adheres to these deadlines: last day for admission to the budget places will be August 10. The first wave of enrollments – 19 August, and the second on August 24. 1 September students start classes. The training format will be selected based on the epidemiological situation.


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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.