In his new book “Our Anti-Belly Fat Program”, nutrition doc Matthias Riedl explains the risks of belly fat and what helps against the harmful kilos. The right recipes will help you.

Belly fat is one of the biggest health risk factors of all. Contrary to what is often assumed, slim people can also be affected – which makes belly fat particularly insidious, because often only the so-called body mass index (BMI) is looked at. However, this says nothing about the percentage of fat on the abdomen.

Meanwhile, two thirds of the German population are affected by the phenomenon of dangerous abdominal fat and thus increase their risk of cardiovascular diseases, strokes and type 2 diabetes. Because while the average woman in Germany has a waist circumference of 90 centimeters and the average man around 100 centimeters a value of 80 centimeters or more is assumed to have a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

What makes the inner abdominal fat, the so-called visceral fat, so dangerous, nutritionist Matthias Riedl has already explained in detail in an interview with FOCUS Online.

In his new book “Our Anti-Belly Fat Program”, Riedl and three colleagues also show how they can regain their waistline – and effectively reduce the risk of belly fat. Above all, the right diet – and nutritious, healthy recipes for everyday life – play a significant role. Below are three recommended recipes against too much belly fat that the doctors recommend:

1. Coffee-Overnight-Oats mit Papaya

For 2 people

Preparation: 15 minutes

Sources: 8 hours (overnight)


Nutritional values ​​per serving: approx. 310 kcal, 10 g EW, 11 g F, 35 g KH, 12 g BST, 3.9 g MUFA


Additional tip: If you like, you can soak oat flakes and chia seeds in unsweetened almond or oat drink.

2. Spinach-Crespelle Tuscany

For 2 people

Preparation: 30 minutes

Sources: 20 minutes


Nutritional values ​​per serving: approx. 595 kcal, 28 g EW, 28 g F, 51 g KH, 10 g BST, 3.5 g MUFA


“Our anti-belly fat program: healthy and fit with a slim core” by Matthias Riedl et al.

3. White asparagus with avocado cream

For 2 people

Preparation: 20 minutes

Draw: 20 minutes


Nutritional values ​​per serving: approx. 290 kcal, 8 g EW, 20 g F, 15 g KH, 8 g BST, 2.5 g MUFA
