Scientists from the Novosibirsk Institute of catalysis (IC), SB RAS develop materials for solid oxide fuel cells and fuel cell design.

according to the official publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Science in Siberia”, this kind of fuel can power a variety of devices, from laptops to spacecraft, including Autonomous boiler houses, power plants, electric cars. Unlike traditional coal, oil or gas solid oxide elements as a by-product emit only water vapor. In addition, they are smaller and lighter than the usual fuel. The main drawback today is the high cost.

– We understand that energy production in our country is relevant and irrelevant at the same time – explains the purpose of the research the researcher of the laboratory of catalysis, deep oxidation, IR, SB RAS, candidate of chemical Sciences Julia Bespalko. We have many reserves of coal, oil, gas. But as they say, all things come to an end. In addition, questions about environmentally friendly methods of electric power generation is still relevant.