the Creation of natural protected areas is a critical part of the program of development of Moscow. This was told Sergei Sobyanin the TV channel “Russia 24”.

In the metropolis, where in a limited space there are millions of people, the pressure on natural areas is very high. However, according to Sergei Sobyanin, you need to create the conditions to ensure that wildlife existed in harmony with humans.

Today in Moscow under special protection taken 140 natural areas and their area exceeded 19 thousand hectares, or 7.5 percent of the city.

18 of especially protected natural territories area of more than 17 thousand hectares appeared in the capital this year. The decision on their establishment was taken at the beginning of the summer.

Each new protected area a unique object of nature. This can be a unique landscape, rare trees and plants, nesting birds or the habitats of animals listed in the Red book of Moscow. Forests, parks, gardens, boulevards and other green areas occupy more than half of the area of the city.

About 100 squares, parks and green areas rekonstruiruet and create in Moscow every year