How to cook buckwheat, who is useful is bulgur and some cereal it’s easy to gain weight if you really need it, explains PhD, gastroenterologist Alexey Paramonov.

You still think imposed on us since childhood semolina milk useful? Don’t eat hot cereal because they are afraid of the terrible health consequences? Arrange fasting days on an empty rice?

Aify asked the author of “Gut comfort with a stomach with no problems”, PhD., gastroenterologist Alexey Paramonov to explain in detail how the established recommendations for kas can be trusted and which should not.

We imagine: Semolina is very useful, no wonder it is given even to children.

fact: Semolina if it is not manna from heaven, is one of the most mythologized and harmful products in our kitchen. This kind of polomka of soft wheat, which in the days when there were no mixtures for therapeutic feeding is ideally suited to critically ill patients. It was given in liquid form with butter. Today, it is good for those who want to gain weight, for this mess need to add butter, sugar or jam. Yes, it’s not useful, but sometimes patients come with such queries too, so one of the measures that can really help — just such a mess.

Notice that semolina is from durum wheat, which is used in industrial production to shape different products. Porridge it would be more useful, but not as tasty.

to sum up, I propose in most cases to send semolina resign unless you don’t need to eliminate the deficit of the weight.

We imagine: Buckwheat will be much more useful, if not to cook, just soak in cold water and let stand for a few hours.

fact: If the buckwheat to soak for a around, of course, it will soften and even you to chew. Vitamins, it will retain more. But we love it is the aroma and the unique taste of boiled buckwheat. By the way, vitamins and minerals in it will remain slightly less than the odd pickled product. I know the fans brewed with boiling water buckwheat flour and have respect for these martyrs of a healthy lifestyle, but I advise everyone to cook buckwheat the most pleasant way.

in addition, it is worth remembering that all the usual fragrant buckwheat has already passed thermal processing in manufacturing, soak it or cook is mostly determined by personal culinary tastes.

We imagine: quick-cooking Cereals are harmful and even dangerous to health.

fact: Many of us from childhood well remember the cereal “Hercules”. It’s a type of porridge ��astrogo cooking. Such products are produced by flattening the grain press, heated by steam and not doing anything indecent. The fact that these cereals are prepared quickly, it is only natural after such procedures. They retain almost all the quality of the initial grain, and time of heat treatment total even less.

Who knows what may be allergic. Often such products are sweet, so always watch how much sugar put the manufacturer: the smaller, the better.

We imagine: If you want to lose weight, it is better to exclude all kinds of cereal from your diet, they are very high in calories.

fact: the Calorie content of cereals is not so high. The dry grain contains about 400 kcal/100 g. But the cooked rice is 4 times less. Although if it add the butter and sugar, and dessert can get. If you realize the true caloric content of dishes, the cereal can be component of any diet, including those aimed at weight loss. For example, popular today is bulgur, which gives a long feeling of satiety and slow release of carbohydrates, good meet this goal. A pilaf of rice — delicious, but incredibly nutritious with peaks of glucose and insulin after a meal — no.

Undoubtedly, the vegetables as a side dish lower in calories, but also a feeling of fullness for a long time they did not create. So any diet cereals can be included and help to reduce weight with reasonable use.

We imagine: For fasting days is the perfect empty rice without butter and salt, it is perfectly “clean intestines”.

fact: If you start from the assumption that rice without butter and salt — tasteless taste and a lot of it does not eat, then perhaps this statement makes sense. By itself, the rice is one of the “useless” products. It’s little fat, moreover, it almost never turns into glucose. As for the idea of “purging”, it is unscientific. However, if we imagine that such a task is before us, you need plant fiber: vegetables, greens, barley, bulgur. But not rice.

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