Scientists named products saving from dementia

MOSCOW, 22 APR — RIA Novosti. Scientists have figured out which combinations of products have a beneficial effect on the brain allowing you to maintain a sound mind in old age and which increase the risk of dementia. The study is published in the journal Neurology American Academy of neurology.

it’s No secret that many people are getting used to a certain diet, eat during the long years of the same set of food.

the French scientist Cecilia Salieri (Cécilia Samieri), together with colleagues from the University of Bordeaux, decided to find out the relationship of sustainable combinations of products — the so-called food webs — with the risk of dementia in old age.

“There is a complex interrelatedness of products in the human diet, and it is important to understand how the food web can affect the brain, because the diet may be a promising way of preventing dementia” — presented in a press release from the American Academy of neurology, the words of Dr. Samiei.

In the study, which began five years ago, participated 627 elderly people with an average age of 78 years. Have 209 of them had dementia, and 418 no. At baseline participants completed a questionnaire that indicated which products they used in the past year and how often — from once per month to four times per day. After that was watching them and every two or three years, conducted medical examinations.

the results of the study showed that people whose diets consisted mostly of meat with highly processed, starchy foods such as potatoes, and snacks, biscuits and cakes quickly develop dementia than people who ate a more healthy and varied food.

“Previous studies have shown that eating a healthy diet rich in green leafy vegetables, berries, nuts, whole grains and fish, may reduce the risk of dementia in humans. Was work on quantity and frequency of eating, says Salieri. Our study went further. We examined the food web in the complex”.

Although the total amount of food and a set of consumed products to those who suffered from dementia and those who preserved a sound mind, were almost identical, the main differences between the groups was in combination products.

In food networks of people with dementia took a Central place in meat with high degree of processing — sausages, sausages and pates, which they combined with starchy foods such as potatoes, alcohol, snacks and sweet pastries. People suffering from dementia, eating meat or poultry with a variety of toppings and additions, including fruits, vegetables and seafood. Overall, their diet was more varied.

“We found that a greater variety of healthy foods reduces risk of dementia — said the scientist. — In fact, the differences in the food webs could be seen long before people with dementia has been diagnosed”.