Experts studying tectonic processes, said of a possible split of the African continent and the emergence of a new ocean.

according to NBC News, the rift can be formed along sections of the East African afar region.

“This is the only place on Earth where you can explore how a continental rift becomes oceanic rift,” emphasizes the Professor of the British University of Leeds Christopher Moore, based on the data of monitoring of volcanic activity in East Africa.

According to the researchers, this area is located at the junction of three tectonic plates, which slowly separated from each other in the result of a complex geological process which in the end is able to split Africa into two parts and create a new oceanic basin. The material NBC News says that the proof of this is, in particular, a crack length of 35 miles in the Ethiopian desert. It was opened in 2005.

it is Also noted that for what is happening now allow the observation of data obtained using satellites.

However, the cataclysm will not happen soon. Scientists believe that the formation of a new ocean in Africa, will need at least 5-10 million years old.