To such conclusion the international team of researchers in the system of mound burial “Novoilinskiy-2” (the group worked on the project, experts from Kazakhstan, Russia and USA). In defense of the theory was the age of the found remains of animals and changing the shape of their skulls: the Andronovo people have mastered riding a few centuries earlier than is commonly believed.

the Andronovo culture is the General name of group of close archeological cultures of the bronze age, covering in XVII-IX centuries BC, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, Western part of Central Asia, southern Urals. “A distinctive feature of the ancient people of that period had developed horse breeding. Animals were used not only in food, but also for harnessing to the chariot and riding,” said “RG” in the Department of external communications of the office of media communications and monitoring SUSU.

the Approximate age of the stallion and the Mare, whose bones found in the burial, about 20 and 18 years, respectively. For cattle intended for slaughter, it’s too much. In addition to being near the horses found the remains of the harness.

“We have received radiocarbon dates which date the complex to within a few decades. Compare these dates with the known allow us to conclude that vladychestva, that is, the use of horses in the military, start practicing much earlier than many researchers previously thought,” says Ural scientist Igor Czechoslov.

it is believed that people saddled horses around 900 BC, but recent data suggests that the riders that fought on horseback, were galloping across the Eurasian steppes not later of 1600 BC.

With the help of 3D models the researchers tested the remains of the horses on pathologies that arise if the use of animals in various works. It turned out, the turtles there are indirect indications that their owners wore bridles for riding.

“Probably in the boneyard “Novoilinskiy-2″ was buried militarized elite, whose power was based on physical control of tribesmen and neighbors, in particular, with developed skills of horse riding and fighting on horseback. The rider has a significant advantage over the infantryman”, – said Igor Czechoslov.

by the Way, it is possible that this cavalry, in modern language, served as a kind of mediator – quenched conflicts within the team, and therefore had power and a fairly high social status. A couple of “sheriffs of the bronze age”, as he called them Czechoslov.