Scientists from the Academy of agricultural Sciences China, Chinese national Institute of control and prevention of viral diseases, as well as Chinese national laboratory on control and prevention of diseases of domestic animals examined dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, ducks and ferrets. Last though not common Pets, but are often used in laboratory experiments, so they were involved in this case.

As it turned out, at risk are cats and ferrets, whereas the rest of the listed types is not actually infected with coronavirus. A study published in the journal Science.

it is Noted that cats have the coronavirus replicates in the nasopharynx and induce intense inflammation in the respiratory tract. While cats can infect each other by airborne droplets. As for ferrets, they have a virus in force as yet unknown reason does not penetrate into the lungs, remaining in the nasopharynx, in contrast to cats.

Scientists emphasize that all studies were conducted in the laboratories of the Harbin veterinary research Institute, with the fourth (highest) class of protection against biological hazard.

And although received in the course of research data require further study, experts say that in the course of eliminating the threat of the spread of coronavirus should be considered and the need for epidemiological surveillance of cats.