the First lithium-ion battery appeared in 1991, and in 2019, their inventors awarded Nobel prize for chemistry for his revolutionary contribution to the development of technology. As the authors of the study, lithium is an expensive metal of the alkali metal and its reserves are very limited. At present there is no close on the effectiveness of alternatives to lithium-ion batteries. Due to the fact that lithium is one of the lightest elements in the periodic table periodic table, it is very difficult to find a replacement for creating a capacious battery.

a Possible alternative to expensive metal offered by the scientists of nust “MISIS”, Russian Academy of Sciences and ibhf center of the Helmholtz Dresden-Rossendorf under the supervision of Professor Arkady Krasheninnikov Center. During the research it was found that if the atoms in the sample of “to lay” in a certain way, the other alkali metals will also demonstrate high energy intensity. The most promising replacement lithium – sodium, as even with a bilayer arrangement of sodium atoms in the structure of bigraphene (two layers of graphene, top and bottom) the capacity of such anode becomes comparable to the capacity of a conventional graphite anode in lithium-ion batteries: about 335 mAh/g (milliampere-hours per gram of material) versus 372 mAh/g of lithium. While sodium is much more common in nature than lithium. For example, table salt is half of this element.

the Creation of the experimental sample will be engaged in the foreign part of the command Center of the Helmholtz Dresden-Rossendorf “For the development of prototypes will need 1-2 years”, – said the press service of the nust “MISIS”. If successful, we can talk about creating a new generation of sodium batteries, which will be comparable in capacity with Li-ion, or even surpass them, while standing in times cheaper.

“the battery capacity of the gadgets is a narrow throat of the evolution of technology since time immemorial, says the it expert Nikita Gurianov. – Manufacturers of the devices and processors to them are forced to seek the balance between the capacity of the cells, the total weight of the device and the device. Modern smartphone can do three times more powerful, but what to do with heat dissipation and increased energy consumption? Therefore, billions of dollars are spent on R&D, optimization of ARM processors in smartphones for the extra hours or minutes of battery life”.

According to experts, more compact, energy-saving, efficient batteries will become even more of a breakthrough for the industry, what was once ultra-fast solid-state memory and SSD. “I am glad that doing this in Russia. Compatriots will be the most difficult stage, which eliminated 98% of these discoveries: the transformation of theory into practices��, and then in realistic and mass-produced product. It remains to wish them good luck and accuracy in all subsequent calculations,” concludes Gorianov.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.