The former President of the Bundestag and ex-Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble prepared people in Germany for deprivation in winter in view of the energy crisis. “Then you put on a sweater. Or maybe a second sweater. You don’t have to whine about it, you have to recognize that a lot of things can’t be taken for granted,” said Schäuble on the “Bild-TV” broadcaster. You should also have a few candles, matches and a flashlight at home – in case of a power failure, advised the CDU politician.

The former finance minister believes Germans are “a spoiled society”. “Sure, we all are. I also. But we must now resist the danger that things will continue like this forever. The Germans will have to try harder again!”

Energy has never been as expensive as it is now. But instead of panicking, you should calmly check potential savings at home. As our guide shows, there are many of them.

He also complains about the declining work ethic: “It worries me that so many Germans would rather work less: for example part-time and never at the weekend. This will not work. Because there is a shortage of workers everywhere! My experience is: just having fun – that’s not fulfilling life.”

In the interview, Schäuble also warned against being intimidated by Putin’s threats. “Of course that would be a red line to use nuclear weapons. And with his threats to use these weapons, Putin has long scratched this red line,” said the CDU politician.

He doesn’t want to be in Scholz’s skin at the moment: “I don’t want to be Chancellor now – and bear the burden of this decision! But one thing is clear: once you give in, you always give in.”

Diseased teeth are a burden for the entire body – sometimes with serious consequences. A meta-study from Finland now confirms another risk factor: gingivitis and tooth loss promote cognitive diseases such as dementia. What you need to know.

The corona numbers are increasing. Although most infections are mild, the wave is now reaching hospitals. The first doctors are already reporting that operations have been postponed, and staff shortages are exacerbating the situation. The corona situation in the clinic number check.

The salaries of EU officials are to rise by 6.9 percent. The reason for this is the sharp rise in prices due to inflation. The EU states do not want that, they point to enormous costs.

Amazon Prime Day will take place a second time on October 11th and 12th, 2022 – but this time under the somewhat clumsy name “Prime Exclusive Offers”. The campaign for Prime members started at midnight sharp with some exciting bargains that we don’t want to withhold from you. A few other retailers are also taking part in the discount battle.