In the period of self-isolation of Russian mobile Internet users has shown the greatest interest in porn sites and food delivery services. On Wednesday, July 8, write “Vedomosti”.

According to research analysts “VimpelCom”, from the end of March the Russians began to visit the websites with the Internet’s total smut content by 57.9 per cent more than in the beginning of the year. The interest of men to such resources was seven times higher than in women. Most often porn users watched between 30 to 40 years. In addition, subscribers of “Beeline” by 35.5 percent more often began to visit the services food delivery.

About growth of interest of users to porn and other mobile operators are not reported, but a representative of Tele2 Darya Kolesnikova also noted the growing popularity of food delivery services. The number of visitors at the beginning of April have increased by 42 percent, and the number of orders in the quarter. Almost three times increase in the rate of the service “Yandex.Food”, as in attendance, and the number of orders.

In addition, the Russians have increased interest in entertainment and educational portals and online theaters. In particular, continued Kolesnikov, the peak period of isolation that people have spent on them on average 2.3 times longer and the number of visits showed a fivefold increase. Among the clients of “Beeline” such resources began to visit 29 percent more than last year. Also half grew up among them traffic, messengers, and most of all the services with the function of video as the main. A representative of the operator “er-Telecom holding” emphasized that traffic growth in April-may was recorded on the Zoom application, but after the end of the school year he fell in three times.

As explained by General Director of Agency Telecom Daily Denis Kuskov, up to 70 percent of employees switched to remote work, and that was the reason for the growth of traffic consumption in home networks. However, he said, with a return to the normal operation mode will happen the churn and the traffic volumes per user will decrease.