In the short term, wearing medical masks, in all probability, will be something familiar and common. About it in interview channel “360” told the wife-the doctors – head of morbid anatomy Department of the Central hospital in Ivanteevka Paul Grimalyuk and pulmonologist Royal city hospital Catherine Hramalyuk.

In an interview with Catherine explained that the mask prevents the spread of the virus, if it is already ill person. Therefore, the more people will wear masks, the sooner humanity will cope with the spread COVID-19, she said.

Her husband Paul, who has been ill with the coronavirus infection of the new type, says that his relatives saved the mask.

“When I have this condition is not so strongly developed, but the virus in my body already was, my family didn’t get infected because I was in the first days of wearing a medical mask,” he shared details of the doctor.

And even now, already a refresher, the physician still every day out of the house in the mask, as there is a likelihood of Contracting another infection.

the couple recalled that COVID-19 can affect almost any person contrary to the popular view that the main target of coronavirus infection are the elderly and patients with chronic diseases. Scientists are not yet fully established the cause of development of severe forms of the disease, but it is known that “the coronavirus has no mercy,” warned Catherine.

Recall, may 12, in the suburbs without a mask will not be able to drive public transport to visit the store or go to the pharmacy. Violators face a penalty of a fine in the amount of 4000 rubles.