Over the last month the prices of medicines increased by 3.2%. In particular, Metamizole sodium has risen by 8.1%, troxerutin 8% Linex – 5.7%, nasal spray – 5.4%. Prices of multivitamins with macro – and microelements, rose 5.2%. Often catachrom and wool price increased by 4.7%, bandage – 4.5%. Increased cost of mercury thermometers and sedatives (4.3%), iodine (4,2%), tinctures of motherwort (4%), Bromhexine (3,9%), valokordin (3,6%), fluoqinolona acetonide and acetylsalicylic acid (3,5%), Rennie (3,4%).

compared to December 2019 drugs rose by 5.5%, while for the year at 9.8%. This is significantly higher than a year earlier – from April 2018 to April 2019 the prices of medicines grew by only 6.2%.

“the Growth of prices for medicines in March-April 2020 was mainly due to the excessive demand of the population in connection with the unfavorable epidemiological situation and the subjective fears of shortage,” says Executive Director, Union of professional pharmaceutical organizations Liliya Titova. Most significantly, she says, prices for two groups of drugs – probation “prophylactic and therapeutic”, used against coronavirus (e.g., metadatos, acetylsalicylic acid, multivitamins), as well as on drugs used in chronic diseases (troxerutin, often-catachrom, valocordin, tincture of motherwort, etc.).

In Russia, the government regulates the prices of medicines included into the list of vital and essential medicines. The Federal state statistics service of the following drugs this list includes only acetylsalicylic acid in certain dosage forms, the expert said. At the same time, the rise in price what kind of drug form, dosage and packaging of acetylsalicylic acid was recorded by Rosstat, is not specified. “The maximum selling price of domestic producers on acetylsalicylic acid included in the list of essential drugs was in the range from 2,63 to 253,64 of the ruble, depending on the dosage form, dosage and packaging,” says Titov. And for example, acetylsalicylic acid in the form of “effervescent tablets” in the EDL are not included and, accordingly, price of this drug is not regulated.

“In the second half of April the average daily turnover of Russian pharmacies returned to the levels typical for this time of year, a seasonal trend to its further decline. Thus, the demand and inventory of manufacturers, distributors and pharmacies will not provide an opportunity for further price growth in the pharmaceutical market”, – the expert adds.

the medications which marked the rise of prices, equivalents are included in the EDL, said the Ministry of health. Prices are recorded in accordance with the laws and their unreasonable growth possible, saidand in the Department. However, prices of drugs not included in the EDL is not subject to state regulation and are determined by the wholesalers and pharmacies on their own. Of which is mentioned by Rosstat these are medications such as Metamizole sodium, troxerutin or Linex.