First Deputy Minister of transport, the head of Rosaviation Alexander Neradko has revealed the future of Russian airports after the lifting of restrictions in an interview with newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”.

According to him, the first phase of the removal of restrictions on the coronavirus in the Russian airports will have to be information on prevention of infection COVID-19. To work at the airport, including ground handling, will involve the minimum number of staff. We will also implement measures of social distancing.

Neradko noted that passengers will be informed about the need to minimize the number of attendants and on the avoidance of being in airports more than two hours those who have no ticket. In addition, passengers will provide sanitizers.

In the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzora for the phased removal of restrictions because of mers indicated that the use of protective medical masks and gloves in the aircraft will be encouraged at all stages of the removal of restrictions related to the spread of COVID-19. In the first stage, passengers will be allowed on Board only in the presence of gloves and masks. In addition, in the first two stages, passengers are required to provide food only from sealed packages, or heated on Board. The third stage is the common power scheme.