Tourists gave good advice for a summer holiday in a pandemic coronavirus and put it on the background, quarantine and restrictive measures. The list revealed in the Daily Express.

first and foremost, travelers are advised to ensure that all the necessary urban infrastructure for example, toilets or car parks, are open and fully functioning.

in addition, the authors of the article suggest tourists to follow the new safety regulations, but it does not appear in a popular and very visited places, to comply with social distance, and always wear personal protective equipment and not to neglect the disinfectants or antiseptics.

Finally, after the outbreak of the disease travelers should always carry a Bank card. “Many of the outlets currently accept only cashless payments”, — stated in the material.

5 Jun tourists from different countries revealed the ways to overcome depression after a vacation. Users have been advised to try something new in everyday life, such as traveling within the country or even the region. You can focus on Cycling routes in the far distance.