Employees Mospeada found a few Lapwings on site faunal reserve “Long ponds” — the bird listed in the Red book of the city of Moscow with conservation status of “First category of rarity.”

Lapwings belong to family charadriidae, you can recognize them by the crest on the head of the long narrow feathers and a black beak. The back and top of the head of a lapwing black, with metallic green, bronze and purple sheen. Thorax black, the abdomen, flanks and cheeks are white. The size of the bird is not more of a dove.

they Nest in fields, short-grass dry meadows and waste grounds, in contrast to other field birds camouflage their nest, arranging it on the ground. The eggs hatch both parents and in case of danger, drive off the enemy, circling and swooping above him with loud cries. Grown Chicks are perfectly able to hide.

a Distinctive feature of the lapwing is a kind of scream — anxiety, with a plaintive tone, as if the bird asks: “Whose are you? Whose are you?”

these birds Eat mainly beetles and their larvae.

On the “Royal apiary” in bee colonies hoisted the new Matanzas-hare seen in Silverpine forest