Many talented and popular politicians tried to reach Olympus. But it was impossible. Lacked the character and passion for the conquest of power. The lack of ambition is a cute character trait. But the rulers are made from a different, more rigid material. All the creature of the leader should be configured to achieve power and hold it. They are born that way, that is their genetic structure. And their whole life is subordinated to this domestic program.

There are two reasons that push policy upwards. One burning inside a lust for power. Don’t want to be General and should not become: he is not endowed with the necessary for a commander, and command qualities. Ambition and ambition is needed. The politician must desire power and to be able to go with her. The second reason is a kind of messianism, the inner confidence that he is born in order to accomplish something great, to realize an idea or dream to change the fate of the country.

those who reach the pinnacle of power, we seem to be special. And what are they really? It usually becomes clear much later. But there are exceptions. Came several books on President Donald Trump. One of them, written by his niece Mary (“my family spawned the world’s most dangerous man”), is particularly interesting and helps to understand what kind of people get to the heights of power.

During one of the campaign rallies trump has cast fear in their supporters, with a grim foretelling:

something terrible can happen. Something very dangerous is happening.

Twelve-year-old girl could not resist and asked:

I’m so scared. And what do you intend to do to protect our country?

He answered her with consummate aplomb.

— you Know what, sweet girl? I promise — you won’t have to be afraid of. Let others now we are afraid!

He feels not just a chief Executive of a huge country, and its Saviour. What is his program? Specific ideas? The Savior does not ask, what will be his policy. Obey him unquestioningly. Behind him followed dutifully, listening to his instructions. The country is full of anger, mixed with fear. He feels, therefore, promised:

— I can turn your anger in the revival of the country.

He showed that he is able to break any long established rules and accepted norms. The non-ideological President. Somewhat liberal, somewhat conservative. If you think about it, his hands are untied. He doesn’t owe anyone anything. Don’t have to follow any dogmas.

So what motivates them? What does he want? What values most in life? Most of all he loves himself. And he needs to rest and loved it. And just as passionately. He needs constant attention of the outside world. He craves worship, the prizeNanya his power and grandeur.

— I’m a good guy, ‘ he says. And believes himself.

He’s a narcissist. Daffodils are always a little. They are voracious. Ambitions are too great. He always wanted to be number one. The first, best and only. All around looked at him and talked of him only. Reminiscent of the American President Theodore Roosevelt, which ironically said that he wanted to be the baby at the christening, the bridegroom at the wedding and the corpse at the funeral.

his ruthless and aggressive manner to make decisions in order to achieve maximum results, of success that will surprise, amaze, stun. And confirm his greatness. He’s not busy thinking about the possible damage in the exercise of his risky orders and instructions. The most offensive — neglect. Do not pay attention to him — to become an enemy for life.

tellingly — lack of close friends, whom he trusted with whom he could be Frank. A close relationship is able to lift the veil over what he really thinks and feels. And it’s impossible to allow anyone to see your weakness and vulnerability.

the World consists of the enemies and not enemies. From one need to get rid of, for others to watch. Anyone who does not applaud, who never raves about enemies.

He formulated the two main rules of his life.


— Never trust. Be paranoid. Keep in mind that even good subordinates can easily betray you.


— Be vengeful. If someone has offended you, make him ten times harder. At least enjoy. I like to take revenge!

it is believed that the daffodils in my childhood lacked attention and love. Parents do not give the child the warmth, which he needed, was deprived of care, did not notice his success, not to praise… But in his case the General rule does not apply. The parents loved him.

Fred trump owned apartment buildings in new York areas of Queens and Brooklyn. At the weekend, taking the sons, went to collect rent. Donald asked his father why he was calling at the door of another tenant, it is on the side.

— Sometimes they shoot right through the door, explained the father.

Perhaps the father is somewhat exaggerated. But he wanted to educate the sons of rigidity and ability to knock his own, because his own experience taught him: the winner is the one who behaves hard and unyielding.

Donald trump grew up a troubled kid. The father noticed the son: “Small he was very rude.” Dad liked it, until I got scared that the teenager will have problems with the law. At the age of thirteen his parents sent him to a private boarding school, which is magnificently called “the Military Academy of new York”. The decision to send my son to a special school with a special regime came after Donald friend sendcurled in the center of the city to buy switchblade knives. Military school had taught him to deal with other aggressive people. He always remembered the lessons taught by father and school: the world is a dangerous place, always be alert and wait for the catch.

Father wanted boys from a young age, joined the business. But the eldest son was not fit for the family business, could not live in that world of brutal competition which had created his father. He became a civil aviation pilot. Married a flight attendant than further upset the parents. Gash. Alcoholism quickly brought him to the grave.

Donald trump stated sadly:

— He just wasn’t a killer.

And made the following conclusion:

— Life consists of endless battles that end in either victory or defeat.

After the death of his elder brother, the future President refused alcohol. One of the most prominent business men of Moscow the nineties Shalva Chigirinsky told me about trump, which then led negotiations on joint projects:

— a Beautiful, self-confident. And beauty around him. The standard of success. And appropriate behavior. But was surprised that he doesn’t drink. It was in the way. I was not with him contact.

In the modern world leaders are serious about their health and intend to live a long time. And medicine are very encouraging. To live more than a hundred years and have a decent feel to lead a full life — a very real thing.

Doctors consistently report excellent health of the President. But the age effect. He is accused that he does not listen to advisors and neglects even the intelligence reports.

first, he knows everything better than others! Disagreement, doubt, puzzled questions — a blow to the ego. Need only those who do not doubt your superiority, who looks up to you.

second, because of the age he lives in old ideas and not accept new. He ordered the creation of a Park-American heroes and read out the list of those who should perpetuate. Journalists stated: it is of whom he recognized from the history books of the fifties, and the characters of the old TV series. The President, who is 74 years old, expressed hope that the monuments are not “abstract or modernist”. He lives the ideas of half a century ago.

Nobody can predict the result of the November elections. Many are looking for change. But his main rival immediately after the election will be 78 years old.