Politicians call it greedy, that practitioners take the double payment in order to process sygehuspatienter.

Practitioners get criticism for taking double payment in order to finalize the patients, as the hospitals cannot cope under the pressure of coronapatienter.

In an agreement between the Region Zealand, and the general Practitioners ‘ Organization in the Region of Zealand (PLO Zealand), it appears that if there is print pending patients from the hospitals due to the pressure from the coronapatienter, the practitioners take over the behandlingsansvaret.

The typing of B. T.

As it is not normal tasks that a practitioner must perform, there is not a set rate for the work.

Why has the PLO been based in the fees for the consultancy work on the 912,5 crowns in an hour, and doubled it, which gives 1825 dollars per hour.

the PLO Zealand president, Camilla Høgh-Guldberg, believe that the price is reasonable.

– It is not a double remuneration. It is a known tariff, which we have scaled up. Usually consultancy services, paperwork and meetings, and we have thought of as extra work, as the doctors are not accustomed to, on top of, she says to B. T.

– It is fair, in the light of the tasks and the responsibilities that come with it.

concretely, the doctors have to help patients with, among other things sondeanlæggelse, wound care and removal of stitches.

At several parties in the Danish parliament believe politicians, that it is too greedy.

SF’s sundhedsordfører, Kirsten Normann Andersen, call it unsympathetic.

– I think it seems greedy, and unsympathetic. I would like to honour people for their work, but double payment in this situation is not reasonable, says Kirsten Normann Andersen.

She was backed up by spokesman Peter Skaarup (DF), who believe that it is lack of charity, and requires a good explanation from the PLO in order not to raise the issue in Parliament.

the Unity sundhedsordfører, Peder Hvelplund, believe that the PLO Zealand has exploited an advantageous negotiating position.

the Region of Zealand has not wanted to answer the criticism of B. T.
