Pompeo has accused Iran of developing nuclear weapons

U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo has tied the recent launch of the Iranian satellite development in the country of nuclear weapons.

The Secretary of state has compared the technology used in the creation of the Iranian carrier rocket, with a similar intended for Intercontinental missiles. According to Pompeo, no country had ever developed the technology for Intercontinental ballistic missiles unless the target was not involved in the delivery of nuclear weapons

For years, Iran has declared that its space program is purely peaceful and civilian character. The administration trump never believed in this fiction, Pompeo quotes “Interfax”.

He also added that the launch of a military satellite of the Islamic revolution guards Corps, listed in the list of foreign terrorist organizations, confirms that the Iranian space program is not peaceful.

Earlier NEWS.ru reported that the launch of Iran to orbit the Earth the first military satellite was held under the leadership of the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps and in honor of the anniversary of the structure. According to the commander of IRGC Hossein salami, it opens a new page in the history of the country. However, despite the optimism of the captain, to full presence in space, the Republic is still far.