A 63-year-old man crashed his scooter, as he is the L 267 in the direction of Riegelsberg sailed. According to previous findings, no other vehicle was involved in the accident. The man was found by first responders in the adjacent green strip. Not this time, he was responsive. The seriously injured man was transported to the hospital Winterberg. Clues to the traffic accident, ask the police in Völklingen at the phone number 06898 2020.

questions from media representatives, please contact:

police inspection Völklingen VK – ESD Cloosstraße 14-16 66333 Völklingen phone: 06898/2020 E-Mail: pi-voelklingen@polizei.slpol.de Internet: www.polizei.saarland.de Twitter: https://twitter.com/polizeisaarland?lang=de Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/Polizei.Saarland

Additional Material: https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/138422/4558171 OTS: police inspection Völklingen

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