The test for the coronavirus one of the soldiers of the U.S. Navy, who is the personal assistant of the American President Donald trump were positive, the media are writing.

Assistants trump from the military “are military elite”, they work in the White house and often are very close to the family of the head of state, reports the website of TV channel CNN.

The white house confirmed that the test result for coronavirus by one of the assistants to the President of the United States, working in the campus of the White house, gave a positive result.

Deputy press Secretary of the White house Hogan Gigli assured that after President trump and Vice-President Mike Pence has been tested for coronaviruses, the result was negative, they are healthy.

Clarifies that symptoms in aide of the American leader began to emerge on Wednesday morning.

Note that trump is not the first time suspect disease COVID-19. In March there were reports that the coronavirus allegedly diagnosed of the President of Brazil Jaira Bolsonaro, which previously contacted the trump.

The White house called an emergency meeting due to the Association with trump Bolsonaro and contact us leader of the Brazilian official, who confirmed the disease.

It turned out that a control test of the President of Brazil on coronavirus have not revealed contamination. Test results trump the presence of a new coronavirus has also been found negative.