(Montreal) The film inspired by the famous play Les Belles-Sœurs will be released on July 11.

Denise Robert’s production house, Cinémaginaire, announced the release date of the film Nos Belles-Sœurs on Thursday morning, the day after the last day of filming.

The feature film is written and directed by René-Richard Cyr, who was also director of the musical comedy adapted from the play. It is once again Daniel Bélanger who pens the music.

The film stars Geneviève Schmidt, who plays the main character Germaine Lauzon. She is supported by a rich cast of women, including Guylaine Tremblay, Anne-Élisabeth Bossé, Debbie Lynch-White, Véronic DiCaire and Valérie Blais.

The actors Maxime Le Flaguais, Benoit Brière and Yves Jacques also play a role.

The play Les Belles-Sœurs, presented on stage for the first time in 1968, is one of Michel Tremblay’s most famous works. It has been translated into several languages ​​and presented on stages around the world.

René-Richard Cyr launched his musical theater adaptation in 2010, which was presented for several years.