Sergey Igorevich, some basic technicalities are your school soon. And you are is already not the first year. Share your experience?

Sergey Bogdanov: the top 50 schools of St. Petersburg are included in our program “Herzen’s educational district”. Work with them every day, test and implement new technologies, methods. In these schools students are trained. And recently, together with the Leningrad region launched the project of preparation of young teachers for a particular school on a “turnkey”. Announced selection among students – the competition was two people in the place. Chose 40 children are future mathematics teachers of Russian language and literature, computer science, physical education, biology… They are about a year worked as a team, studied in the most promising programs. And on September 1 will start to work. Of course, it is impossible that the team consisted only of young teachers. Must be experienced teachers, at least a few people. We found them included in the team as mentors.

And what school is it?

Sergey Bogdanov: the new School, designed for 900 students. I hope it will be the best in the region. We hope that this good practice will apply to other schools. This is still nowhere.

Under the wing of the Ministry of education passed 33 of the Federal pedagogical University. This affected programs for future teachers?

Sergey Bogdanov: Now the technicalities are put into a separate group. This means that the problems of teacher education began to pay more attention. Ministry of education supervises the schools and is creating conditions for the training of teachers was more focused on the actual practice. This is very important. We have always tried to hold our students to practice in schools as long as possible. Educational institutions, including Russian state pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen, each year serves approximately 140 thousand students in the direction of the enlarged group of specialties “Education and pedagogy”.

Modern children grow up with gadgets in their hands. Teachers must also become advanced users?

Sergey Bogdanov: For three months, when we were forced to go to online 470 of our students worked on a variety of fronts. Including how digital volunteers, they helped the school teachers to master new technologies. Distance-learning experience showed that the professional development of teachers becomes the cutting issue. And not only in the field of digital technology.

But the situation is complicated. We have preserved remnants of the Soviet system: the regional development institutions, the Academy for postgraduate education… And, to put it mildly, not always their work is effective. We need to change. If this is not done, we will be very difficult wives��and General education on the level of the top 10 best in the world.

What do you think about a single model, which will improve the skills of all teachers? First test diagnostics: what the teacher needs a lot of work. Then – effective course with trusted content.

Sergey Bogdanov: Yes, we are talking about a unified educational space. Not only for students but also for teachers. Model qualification needs to be unified, but at the same time, very flexible, changeable: we have a lot of regions everywhere has its own specifics. For example, Dagestan is the actual training of teachers who could conduct Russian language, literature, and together with the native language. The same applies to the far North, the Far East and Siberia. For rural schools need teachers are”generalists” who can lead block from several items. We have such a training is conducted, the so-called “double bachelor”.

How the pandemic will change higher education? That can translate online, and what is not?

Sergey Bogdanov: of Course, online learning will never replace “live” work in the classroom and in the classroom. But as before, it will never happen. Changing formats of independent work of students, forms of interim certification. Created a completely new environment for individual educational route. The concept of student academic group is becoming less relevant. After the online technologies give the chance to use promising developments of leading universities. The student will be able to choose a suitable course for yourself. I hope that soon the universities will count the results of these commissioned online courses.

How to work with a bunch of “College – University”?

Sergey Bogdanov: Graduate who comes out of College already pretty much knows, he’s already had practice. Therefore, the bachelor degree he must complete in an accelerated program. The entrance to the teaching profession is very diverse. We have colleges with different training period, we have undergraduate, master’s program. Will hopefully be back soon specialty. Therefore, we must all very carefully and accurately to perform, don’t ruin it.

for Example, our University has all the hallmarks of a classical University. Nearly 70 percent of students in the field of “education and pedagogical Sciences”. The remaining 30 percent is “pure” physics, chemistry, biology and other Sciences. After the second course the student should be a choice where to go: on the teaching specialization or to deepen in the subject area.

In universities may receive the applied baccalaureate. Pedagogical universities it is necessary?

Sergey Bogdanov: this concept of investing a very different sense��. If you understand the applied baccalaureate, for example, the training of teachers for a particular region and even school is great and correct. Need to increase targeted training. If, say, the Northern region need teachers for schools in remote villages, the young teacher should be ready for their specificity. It needs several times to complete the internship exactly where then will work.

But in General, I think, for pedagogical universities much more interesting and relevant part-time return specialist program, a five – year training.

Why? Four years of a good teacher is difficult to prepare?

Sergey Bogdanov: Looking for something. Of course, the five-year training is better than four. As well as the preparation of six-year (bachelor plus master) better than five years. Schools need bachelors, experts and masters. Today I was talking to a great mathematician, people’s teacher of Russia and a man who has trained two winners of the fields medals – Sergey Evgenevich by Rocchini. He says: “Before, my course lasted three and a half semesters, and now I have two.” Of course, his course, after the transition to bachelor significantly affected. And with five years of training he can this course save. But again: the BA and even in a good way “applied baccalaureate” can be used to the benefit of business.

model is Discussed exam on “entering the profession”. Students of teacher training institutions be needed?

Sergey Bogdanov: Teachers are people with very different education, life and professional experience. And it’s very good. It is important that the practitioner, a professional who suddenly found themselves in the pedagogical mission had the opportunity to go to school. But any teacher must possess certain skills and techniques. For example, in the field of inclusive education to work with children who have health problems.

So the idea of exam for admission into the profession for certain categories of experts is not pointless. But it should be done very carefully, otherwise we risk portion of such “inputs” into the profession just to close. As for the graduates of pedagogical universities, for them, I believe that this exam is not needed. Any drastic changes in this area – the risk to destroy the existing method of training teachers. This can lead to absolutely critical for society consequences.

Now students are allowed to work in the school starting from the third year. Is it good?

Sergey Bogdanov: Undergraduates, and so the majority of moonlighting: at the enterprises of public catering, couriers etc. and if you choose, it is better to let the student works and receives a salary in SHKOla. Someone of the guys the new law will give the opportunity to find their first job for two or three hours a week, get an interesting experience, to lead clubs at school or in further education institutions. Someone will be in education for many years. Especially as the teaching profession becomes more attractive. Teachers are now well paid. Anyway, in the Leningrad region and in St. Petersburg. About Moscow I do not say. In the regions, problems still remained, but there they are solved. From September on behalf of the President all class teachers will receive a Federal allowance of 5 thousand rubles.

I used to have a saying: “there is no Mind – go to the PED”. Heard?

Sergey Bogdanov: of Course I did. Yes, the problems in teacher education a lot. But they are all surmountable. Ministers and their teams understand: it is impossible to go the path of creating individual points – strong universities. They simply will not be able to provide the right amount of training. Even if twenty-three universities will be included in the high ratings, it does not save the overall level of the education system. Therefore, the universities-leaders need to lead others. They must be a direct state-financed allocation to it.

And, I think, need to rebuild pedagogical classes in the schools that were once. To identify guys who may have talent to work with children as early as possible.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.